Theater and Media Studies

Theater and Media Studies (B.A.)

In the course of study, students engage with a variety of different arts and media: from theater, dance, and performance art to film, television, photography, the acoustic and digital media, and performances in culture, politics, and everyday life. They are enabled to scientifically analyze and reflect on the relationships and interactions between the various forms and techniques of theater and media.

What is the degree program about?

Are you interested in how films work? What effect the movements and voices of the stage characters have on the audience? Would you like to learn how to design a stage set? Then a degree in theater and media studies might be right for you. But beware. The studies in Erlangen are primarily scientific. You won’t get any artistic-practical training as an actor, director or cameraman/woman. Instead, you will gain basic knowledge about the history, theory and aesthetics of theater and media. You will learn to classify very different theater and media phenomena historically, to compare them with each other and to reflect on them critically. This enables you to see more and further than the practical specialists – and that, in turn, can be used everywhere.

Here in Erlangen, we take great care to link theory with practice: Technical exercises and practical projects are an integral part of the curriculum, and lecturers from the practical world of theater and media give you insights into very different areas and ways of working. An extensive technical infrastructure is also available for this purpose, including a professionally equipped stage space („experimental theater“), audio and video studios, and editing suites.

In addition, there are numerous opportunities for independent creative implementation of the knowledge and experience gained during the course of study: Many students and graduates work with initiatives such as the performance festival ARENA…der jungen Künste, the campus media funklust, the short film platform [ki’ta:so] or the culture magazine re’flex. Those who wish can also become creatively active at the institute with their own project and present it to the public there.

#meineFAU - Der Uni-Vlog. Warum ich Theater- und Medienwissenschaft studiere

Bewerbung für zulassungsfreie Studiengänge

FAU - Moving Knowledge

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Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.