Sociology (B.A.)

Do you want to understand society and analyze the world around you? Are you interested in social phenomena such as power, gender relations or globalization? Then studying sociology is just right for you! Sociology deals with the complex social structures and developments of our modern societies.
- Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 250-600
- Subject group
- Economic Sciences, Law
- Special ways to study
- 1-subject Bachelor, 2-subject Bachelor, Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Society, Sociology
What is the degree program about?
The courses of study in sociology provide a well-founded specialist education. At the core lies the analysis of the social reality of modern societies in historical and international comparison. This also includes critical reflection on the conditions and possibilities of action in society, including the critical reflection of the conditions and possibilities of acting in society.
The tools for this are, on the one hand, the current theoretical approaches of sociology (including its history of development) and the common quantitative and qualitative methods of social research. Based on these foundations, our bachelor programs offer many elective options in the specialized subject areas of labour & organization, education & life course, culture & communication, and comparative social analysis. This allows our students to set individual content emphases.
The subject Sociology is studied in the 1-subject Bachelor’s program with a scope of 140 ECTS points including the Bachelor’s thesis with a scope of 10 ECTS credits; on the one hand, 10 ECTS credits from another subject science and, on the other hand, 30 ECTS credits for modules that convey additional key qualifications oriented to the professional field are added. Of these, 5 ECTS points are allotted to the module „Academic English“. 10 ECTS points are allotted to a compulsory internship in a professional field (2 months full-time internship). The remaining 15 ECTS points are freely selectable, whereby the selection of modules from the range offered by the Faculty of Humanities is encouraged, which provide professionally relevant qualifications complementary to the subject content and enable a meaningful rounding off of the professional profile.
The subject Sociology can be studied in the modularized two-subject Bachelor’s program in combination with another subject of the Faculty of Humanities.
If Sociology is chosen as the first subject, 80 ECTS and the Bachelor thesis in Sociology are due. In addition, 20 ECTS credits must be earned in the area of key qualifications. Of these, 10 ECTS credits are allotted to a two-month internship in a job-related activity. If sociology is chosen as a second subject, 70 ECTS must be earned in sociology. Compared to the study of sociology as a first subject, the elective area is omitted internally.
The Bachelor’s degree programs in Sociology offer many elective options in the subject areas of Work & Organization, Education & Life Course, Culture & Communication, and Comparative Social Analysis. We also have regular courses in the areas of theory and in methods. This allows students to set individual content emphases.
In order to study sociology, you should be prepared to read a lot and also to deal with challenging texts, which may also require a higher level of reading and discussion.
The courses in the area of methods of empirical social research require that you deal with the calculation methods of statistics. Accordingly, mathematical understanding is an advantage. Computers usually do the actual computational work, but an understanding of the procedures is necessary for interpreting the results.
Sociologists work in the field of education, in the human resources department of companies, in market research, at consulting firms, in the media industry, in cultural organizations, in the public sector, in the field of politics or at universities or research institutes. In these fields of the knowledge-intensive labor market, our graduates are highly sought-after specialists.
The research orientation enables graduates of the master’s program to conduct empirical research, taking into account scientific standards, and to receive research results and make them usable for practical concerns – a qualification that is required and in demand far beyond the field of university social science research in an increasing number of non-university fields of work.
Degree program combinations
- Archaeological Sciences
- Book Studies
- Business and Economics
- Chinese Studies
- Cultural History of Christianity
- Education
- English and American Studies
- German studies
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies
- Islamic Religious Studies
- Italian Romance Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Latin Philology
- Oriental Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Scandinavian Studies (BA)
- Theater and Media Studies
Das Lehrangebot dieser Kombination ist so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass die Fächer in der Regel überschneidungsfrei miteinander kombiniert werden können.
Limited degree program combinations
- Art History
- Computational Linguistics
- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- French Roman Studies
- Geography: Cultural Geography
- Greek Philology
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
Diese Kombination kann nur nach einer diesbezüglichen Studienberatung studiert werden. Die Überschneidungsfreiheit kann jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Die Studierenden tragen selbst die Verantwortung für die Studierbarkeit der Kombination und die Einhaltung der Fristen des § 10. Der Nachweis einer Studienberatung ist bei der Immatrikulation vorzulegen.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
Nachweis ausreichender Kenntnisse in mindestens 2 Fremdsprachen (darunter Englisch) bis zum Ende des 4. Semesters
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.