Hispanic Studies
Hispanic Studies (B.A.)

You are interested in the Spanish cultural area, its literature, history and culture and would like to further (scientifically) deepen this knowledge as well as your language skills? Then Hispanic Studies is the right place for you!
- Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 1-50
- Subject group
- Language and Cultural Studies
- Special ways to study
- 2-subject Bachelor, Double degree program, Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- in German and in the languages of the respective core subjects
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Abroad, Culture, Literature, Language, Linguistics
What is the degree program about?
Spanish is not just something you can study for a teaching degree. But what exactly do you do when you choose the Bachelor’s degree program in Hispanic Studies? Of course, language learning and theoretical reflection on the language and culture are the main focus. In addition to practical language courses (e.g., in grammar, text production, or pronunciation), seminars on the processes of development and transformation of language, literature, and culture are also an important part of the bachelor’s program. In addition to the language, of which you should already have a basic knowledge, you will therefore also deal academically with linguistics, cultural studies, literary studies and regional studies.
In a proseminar on Spanish literary studies, for example, you will become acquainted with Latin American novels that are classified as magical realism and examine the extent to which this is a cultural movement that differs from contemporary developments in Europe. In a linguistics lecture, for example, you will deal with Spanish in the Caribbean, the contact there with other languages, or with varieties of Spanish on the Iberian Peninsula.
You can best practice and deepen your language skills abroad. FAU maintains active exchange programs with Spanish universities (including Alicante, Barcelona, Cádiz, Córdoba, Madrid, Málaga).
In the modularized two-subject Bachelor’s degree program, Hispanic Studies can be chosen either as a first subject or as a second subject. The first subject differs from the second subject by the writing of a Bachelor’s thesis. In addition, eight modules must be completed in the first subject and seven modules in the second subject (= teaching and learning units that are self-contained in terms of time and content with examinations during the course of study).
In the first, one-year study phase, students acquire a broad basis in the areas of language practice, linguistics and literary studies by attending introductory courses (basic modules).
In the second study phase, subject and methodological competencies are expanded, specialized and contextualized (advanced modules).
In the third study phase, further specialization takes place in a selected scientific area. Students are enabled to work independently and scientifically (advanced modules).
- Interest not only in the Spanish language, but also in Spanish-speaking culture and literature.
- Interest in engaging with texts and communicating information orally and in writing to others.
- Prior knowledge of Spanish at level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference)
- Curiosity about Spain and Spanish-speaking countries in the world
- Basic knowledge of Spanish corresponding to level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) would be desirable
Due to the internationalization of many companies today, it is of great value to have a very good command of Romance languages in addition to English. On the one hand, this makes it possible to work abroad, but it also plays an important role when applying for jobs in Germany. Romance language graduates can therefore find employment in many professional fields due to their language skills. However, they are particularly in demand in the following areas, in which the knowledge of cultural history acquired during their studies also comes into play:
- Information processing and documentation
- Journalism
- Librarianship and publishing
- Media
- Adult education and other forms of extracurricular foreign language teaching
- In the intercultural field at the intersection of business, politics and culture (e.g. in the tourism industry, public relations or in national or international institutions)
- During your studies, you not only learn to speak and write the foreign language as well as possible. Cultural and national history as well as linguistics and literature are also covered in depth.
- Language training is organized differently than at school and progresses more quickly.
- You have to read a lot and also write texts independently on a regular basis.
- Regular independent preparation and follow-up of the courses is important.
- Information about a semester abroad can be found at www.romanistik.phil.fau.de/internationales/auslandsstudium
- Double degree for two-subject Bachelor with first subject German Studies, second subject Hispanic Studies and first subject Hispanic Studies, second subject German Studies possible
Partner university: Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Schierholz
Degree program combinations
- Archaeological Sciences
- Art History
- English and American Studies
- French Roman Studies
- German studies
- Greek Philology
- History
- Islamic Religious Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Latin Philology
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Scandinavian Studies (BA)
- Sociology
- Theater and Media Studies
Das Lehrangebot dieser Kombination ist so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass die Fächer in der Regel überschneidungsfrei miteinander kombiniert werden können.
Limited degree program combinations
- Book Studies
- Chinese Studies
- Computational Linguistics
- Cultural History of Christianity
- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- Education
- Geography: Cultural Geography
- Oriental Studies
Diese Kombination kann nur nach einer diesbezüglichen Studienberatung studiert werden. Die Überschneidungsfreiheit kann jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Die Studierenden tragen selbst die Verantwortung für die Studierbarkeit der Kombination und die Einhaltung der Fristen des § 10. Der Nachweis einer Studienberatung ist bei der Immatrikulation vorzulegen.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
- For the BA program Hispanic Studies, knowledge of the Spanish language at level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) is recommended.
- Students with lower language skills are strongly advised to attend appropriate language courses before beginning their studies. Further information can be obtained from the Language Center at FAU Erlangen.
- Please register first for the Spanish placement test at the Language Center. Appointments for this are offered as early as the beginning of September and until the start of lectures.
- Kenntnisse der spanischen Sprache im Umfang von ca. 120 Stunden bis zum Ende des 2. Semesters (Niveau A2)
- Nachweis ausreichender Kenntnisse in mindestens 2 Fremdsprachen (darunter Englisch) bis zum Ende des 4. Semesters
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.