Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin

Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin (B.A.)

The Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin degree program imparts fundamental knowledge of the Latin language, literature and script of the Middle Ages and the early modern period. Philological and historical skills are also trained in the critical handling of original texts and text carriers. In a practice-oriented and interdisciplinary environment, our students also acquire the ability to work independently as scholars.

What is the degree program about?

Latin did not perish with the Roman Empire, but remained the most important medium of communication of literature and science in the Occident in the millennium after (we call this „Middle Latin“). The supposedly dead language even survived the Middle Ages and held its own into modern times („Neo-Latin“). It left us a tremendous heritage, which we can study through appropriate media ─ in the form of handwritten books and early prints ─. The subject of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin is thus, in addition to linguistics and literary studies, also media and cultural studies. It is at the center of philological – that is, linguistic and literary – as well as historical studies of Western European culture in the period from about 500 CE to 1800 CE.

The subject has a strong international and interdisciplinary orientation. Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin, which can be studied as a first or second subject at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, is offered as a bachelor’s degree program at only a few universities worldwide. This is despite the fact that knowledge of medieval Latin is of great advantage in many medievalist-oriented subjects (e.g. history, art history, German studies, etc.), and in some cases is even indispensable! Therefore, Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin are also ideally suited as a second subject (minor) for numerous courses of study, especially for those with a medieval component.

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