Islamic Religious Studies

Islamic Religious Studies (B.A.)

1-subject bachelor, 2-subject bachelor

Are you interested in Islam and would like to learn more about the traditional scriptural foundations, religious norms and methods, schools of Islam and religious doctrines, religious practices, cultural history and contemporary theological issues? Then the Islamic Religious Studies degree program at the University of Erlangen is just right for you!

As a student, you will receive the necessary reference and technical language basics to read and understand simple Arabic source texts. Take advantage of this opportunity to study Islam in depth and become part of a growing community of people interested in these topics. Apply now for the Islamic Religious Studies degree program at the University of Erlangen and start your career in this exciting field!

What is the degree program about?

For some years now, the perception of Islam in society and politics has been steadily increasing. In academia, this interest is reflected not least in the four major centers of Islamic theology in Germany, one of which is located at the University of Erlangen. The focus of this degree program is on topics dealing with traditional scriptural foundations, religious norms and methods, schools of Islam and religious doctrines, religious practices, cultural history, and contemporary theological issues. As a student, you will acquire the necessary reference and technical language skills to read and understand simple Arabic source texts. The course does not focus on a specific orientation of Islam – rather, the various orientations are addressed and discussed. Even though the BA Islamic-Religious Studies is not primarily about the so-called „imam training“, there is nothing to prevent this training from being recognized. In this case, a second phase of training is under discussion (but not yet planned), perhaps corresponding to the church vicariates.

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