Archaeological Sciences
Archaeological Sciences (B.A.)

The study of archaeology is dedicated to the legacies and traces of past civilizations. Immerse yourself in the life and art of the Paleolithic, the ancient Greeks and Romans, all the way to the end of the Byzantine Empire. Collaboration with related disciplines such as history, philology, art history, earth sciences, biology, and computer science is essential.
- Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 150-250
- Subject group
- Language and Cultural Studies
- Special ways to study
- 1-subject Bachelor, 2-subject Bachelor, Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
What is the degree program about?
The archaeological sciences deal with the material legacies and traces of past cultures. Research is conducted into the living conditions, object and image worlds of pre-modern man from the Palaeolithic Age through the world of the Greeks and Romans to the end of the Byzantine Empire. Archaeology relies on collaboration with neighboring disciplines, including history, philology, and art history, as well as earth sciences, biology, and computer science. The study program includes three subfields: Prehistoric, Classical and Christian Archaeology.
The Archaeological Sciences program can be selected as a 1-subject or 2-subject bachelor’s degree program. In the first two semesters, students are introduced to the methods of archaeology, to scientific work, and to the individual sub-subjects (Prehistory and Early History, Classical Archaeology, Christian Archaeology).
Study contents:
- Orientation modules: Introductions
- Prehistoric Archaeology
- Classical Archaeology
- Christian Archaeology
- Museum internship and documentation
- Field and excavation internship
- Excursions
- Bachelor thesis
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Archaeological Sciences is a first professional degree earned after three years of study (six semesters). However, many professional fields require a Master’s degree. -
- Interest in past cultures
- Interest in historical issues and contexts
- Criminalistic flair
- Willingness to hypothetically examine lost objects and cultures
- Ability to work in a team
The combined course of study from its three sub-fields is in itself special, because it covers an unusually broad field of archaeology (if one adds the subjects that the University of Bamberg offers in the teaching association, then archaeology can even be studied up to modern times). The studies in Erlangen are particularly practically oriented. With the two large publicly accessible teaching collections, one learns how to work in a museum, but also conducts research on and with original objects.
The great methodological and content-related breadth of archaeological sciences in Erlangen offers graduates of the program good career prospects in the field of monument preservation, in museums and in research itself. On the job market, a doctorate is currently often required as a qualification.
Degree program combinations
- Art History
- Book Studies
- Business and Economics
- Chinese Studies
- Education
- Education
- English and American Studies
- French Roman Studies
- German studies
- Greek Philology
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Latin Philology
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
- Oriental Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Scandinavian Studies (BA)
- Sociology
Das Lehrangebot dieser Kombination ist so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass die Fächer in der Regel überschneidungsfrei miteinander kombiniert werden können.
Limited degree program combinations
- Computational Linguistics
- Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- Geography: Cultural Geography
- Islamic Religious Studies
- Italian Romance Studies
- Theater and Media Studies
Diese Kombination kann nur nach einer diesbezüglichen Studienberatung studiert werden. Die Überschneidungsfreiheit kann jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Die Studierenden tragen selbst die Verantwortung für die Studierbarkeit der Kombination und die Einhaltung der Fristen des § 10. Der Nachweis einer Studienberatung ist bei der Immatrikulation vorzulegen.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
Nachweis ausreichender Kenntnisse zweier Fremdsprachen, darunter Englisch, bis zum Ende des 4. Semesters
Nachweis von Grundkenntnissen des Lateinischen (z. B. durch den Lateinkurs I): Ist Latein eine der beiden vorzuweisenden Fremdsprache (s.o.), muss der Nachweis bis Ende des 4. Semester erbracht werden. Wenn man neben Englisch eine weitere Fremdsprache vorweisen kann, können die Latein-Kenntnisse bis zur BA-Prüfung nachgewiesen werden.
Das Erlernen einer dritten Fremdsprache wird für das Studium der Archäologischen Wissenschaften dringend empfohlen.
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.