Theater in Schools

Theater in Schools (Teaching degree)

Extension studies for elementary, middle, secondary and grammar schools

The teacher training extension „Theater in Schools“ opens up new opportunities for teachers to inspire and encourage their students in the classroom. This is because the subject of performing arts goes beyond the boundaries of classical teaching and offers students the chance to develop their creativity and personality.

What is the degree program about?

The teaching degree program Theater in Schools (teacher training for elementary school, middle school, secondary school, high school and for FOS/BOS) is not an independent degree program, but an extension subject in the teaching degree program. This means that you can only study the course in the teaching degree program and there exclusively as a so-called „third subject“ in addition to the first and second subject.

Among the educational policy demands for forward-looking teaching concepts such as open instruction, project instruction, etc., theater plays a central role.

Furthermore, theater in school can be understood as cultural practice. A view of the performative practices of children and adolescents based on cultural and educational theory enables school theater to reflect and aesthetically shape current changes in the cultural-social reality of life (e.g. globalization, transculturality, (post-)digitality) in their relevance as transformation mechanisms of cultural-social practice.

Due to the close connection of the Theater in Schools program to the Chair of Education with a focus on culture and aesthetic practice, current research findings, such as from research on (post-)digital cultural youth worlds, are incorporated into the theory and practice of the seminars. Students thus gain an expanded view grounded in cultural and educational theory that extends beyond theatrical work to school and teaching in general.

The subject Performing Play/Theater (DS) is offered at the Department of Education of the Faculty of Philosophy and Department of Theology at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg in cooperation with the Department of Theater and Media Studies. The number of training places is limited to 20. Admission to the program is only possible in the winter semester.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.