Theatre – Research – Transfer

Theatre – Research – Transfer (M.A.)

The research-oriented Master’s degree program in Theater – Research – Transfer offers a qualification that is both academically sound and professionally oriented for those interested in artistic practices and transfer processes in cultural institutions. The students will work as a future generation of theoretically versed practitioners in responsible, formative positions in the field of artistic practice, in the areas of dramaturgy, theater pedagogy, curating, public relations and cultural management. At the same time, the program opens up the possibility of further academic qualification, for example in the context of a doctoral degree in theater studies.

What is the degree program about?

The triad of theater – research – transfer takes into account recent developments in the arts, sciences and communication. In all of these areas, fundamental social, political, technical, and aesthetic transformations are occurring that challenge established practices as well as the role and self-image of the stakeholders and institutions involved. We meet this challenge by making the content and forms of teaching more flexible and dynamic. The goal of the degree program is not the application of already established knowledge to new areas, but the training of the ability to react flexibly to the cultural challenges of the present and their ever-changing demands.

The starting point for this is theater, characterized by a broad concept of theatricality, which does not limit questions about forms of staging, physical techniques and perceptual processes to the arts, but explicitly includes political and social communication. This results in a variety of references to other humanities subjects (such as philosophy, sociology, literature and art studies), to the positions of performance, body and gender theory, as well as to theories of globalization and interculturality. Special attention is given to the relationship between theatrical practices and digitalization.

The field of research is also currently affected by profound upheavals that affect the self-image of the university as well as its relationship to artistic-creative practice. We understand the latter as “artistic research”, not as an object of disciplinary knowledge, but as an independent method of knowledge generation. This is accompanied by an expansion of concepts and methods, which can only be grasped in an explorative and experimental way and should be developed in an exchange between scientists, practitioners and students.

In the area of transfer, we dedicate ourselves both to already established dramaturgical and pedagogical professional fields (cultural education, repertoire and program design, public relations) and to experimental forms that go hand in hand with the revaluation and dissolution of boundaries in curating. Practice-related questions and content are developed in close exchange with cultural institutions; the students are involved in the work fields and processes of specific professional practice within the framework of internships.

Do you need help or more information?

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