Sports (Teaching degree)

„Get moving – for your future!“, „One spirit – one team“, „Just do it!“, „Sport does Germany good“
These ideas are often associated with the subject of sport, yet there are more and more „gym bag forgetters“, „bench pressers“ and „school sport refusers“. If you share your enthusiasm for movement, games and sports with young people and would like to pass on the unique experiences you have had while playing sports, if you would like to work with students beyond the classroom, then the profession of sports teacher is just right and certainly interesting for you!
- Degree
- Teaching degree
- Duration of studies in semester
- 9 (Unterrichtsfach GYM); 7 (Unterrichtsfach GS, MS, RS)
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen, Nuremberg
- Number of students
- 250-600
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree, Language and Cultural Studies
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- Aptitude test (no NC)
- Keywords
- Education, Teaching Degree, School subjects
What is the degree program about?
The following teaching degrees can be earned in the Sports teaching degree program at FAU: Teaching degree at elementary schools, middle schools, junior high schools and high schools. For the elementary and middle school types, Sports can be chosen as a didactic subject or as a teaching subject. Entry into the teaching profession for vocational schools is possible via certain external bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.
Subject (main subject)
The subject-related scientific (FW) and subject-related didactic (FD) studies are closely interwoven in the subject of sport, so that a high level of teaching competence can be assumed at the end of the teaching degree program. Here you will learn to use methods of sports science work in a variable way, to analyze findings and to classify them in relation to the theoretical fields of sports science. This will provide you with a sound knowledge of sports biology, exercise and training science, sports psychology and sports pedagogy. In addition, you will be able to plan, implement and evaluate manifestations of sport in a student- and subject-oriented manner. Within the teaching degree program you will acquire differentiated knowledge about models and theories of health and disease as well as about strategies of prevention. You will be able to plan, implement and evaluate physical education interventions for health promotion in the school setting. Based on the profound knowledge about education of adolescents through movement and sports, you will be able to plan, design and evaluate physical education in cooperation with students.
In the subject didactic-practical courses you will acquire advanced skills and abilities for self-realization. In addition, you will acquire knowledge of various mediation models of the movement fields (including sports), which you will apply and use in a target group-specific manner in various learning situations (taking risks, dealing with fear, impression, experiencing nature, etc.).
The following ECTS are acquired in the subject Sport:
- Teacher training at primary and secondary schools 54 (FW) + 12 (FD) of 210 ECTS
- Teacher training at secondary schools 60 (FW)+12 (FD) ECTS (of 210 ECTS)
- Teacher training at Gymnasium 95 (FW) + 10 (FD) of 270 ECTS
The teaching degree program for vocational schools is completed with a BA (25 ECTS) and an MA (45 ECTS). The acquired competences are comparable with above mentioned competences as described in the teaching subject. In the teaching degree for Gymnasium, these educational contents and objectives are dealt with in greater depth in extension modules (so-called „in-depth teaching subject“). As a prerequisite for admission to the state examination, in addition to the prescribed ECTS, students need a silver lifeguard certificate, a first aid certificate and a club internship. In the state examination, sports-practical-didactic examinations (theory and practice) and written examinations are taken.
All relevant information can be found on our homepage:
Minor subject (didactic subject)
In the didactic subject of sports, students acquire basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the classical fields of movement (e.g. in sports) as well as in sports pedagogy/didactics. A total of 20 ECTS (out of 210 ECTS) is acquired during the teaching degree program for middle schools and 11 ECTS (out of 210 ECTS) for elementary schools. The teaching degree program takes place at the Department of Sport Science and Sport in Erlangen (Gebbertstr. 123b) as well as in Nuremberg (Campus Regensburger Str. 160).For admission to the state examination, you also need a rescue swimming certificate in bronze, a first aid certificate, a summer or winter sports week and the sports badge.
All relevant information can be found on our homepage:
In order to study the subject, proof of successful participation in the Bavarian Sports Aptitude Test is required ( This examination takes place only once a year (usually at the beginning of July) and the application must usually be made by the beginning of June (attention: cut-off deadline).
Under certain conditions, students in all teaching degree programs can apply for the academic degree „Bachelor“ after usually 6 semesters according to the LAPO. The type of Bachelor’s degree depends on the type of school studied and, if applicable, the choice of subject. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL).
Subject combination possibilities:
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- Aptitude test (no NC)
- Admission requirements (higher semester)
- Aptitude test (no NC)
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- Details and notes
The sport aptitude test is only relevant for the teaching subject sport, not for the didactic subject sport. For the study of the teaching subject, proof of successful participation in the Bavarian Sport Aptitude Test is required:
Registration for the qualifying examination is open annually until June 1.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.