
Socioeconomics (B.A.)

The Bachelor of Socioeconomics in Nuremberg is aimed at all those who are interested in economic as well as social issues and their interplay: How does the economy distribute life chances in a society? How do social structures influence the economy of a society? These questions are addressed in an interdisciplinary way in the program by combining subjects such as sociology, psychology, communication science, data science, political science, business administration (BWL) and economics (VWL).

What is the degree program about?

The Bachelor’s program in Socioeconomics is aimed at students who are interested in issues of relevance to economics and society as a whole. It enables students to combine courses in economics and the social sciences in a flexible way.

A key characteristic is the empirical focus of all of the subjects taught in the degree program, which places great emphasis on teaching students survey techniques and other methods of data collection and statistical analysis. After the general introductory phase students may choose between the International specialization and the specialization in Behavioral Science, which focuses on empirical social research. After a general introductory phase, students can choose between three specialisations: “Economy, Work and Inequality”, “Digitalisation and Media” and “Global Governance and Sustainability”.

This degree program is taught in German. Therefore, a good knowledge of German is an essential prerequisite to successfully completing the degree program. Proof of German language proficiency at DSH 2 level or equivalent is required for admission.


Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.