Protestant Theology (Parish / Mag.theol.)

Protestant Theology (Parish / Mag.theol.) (Magister Theologiae)

Discover the diversity of theology! In the Protestant Theology degree program, you can expect not only individual subjects, but a whole world of knowledge. From Old and New Testament to Church History, Systematic Theology to Practical Theology and Religious Studies – all these disciplines work together. At the University of Erlangen, you can also expect unique subjects such as Christian Archaeology, History and Theology of the Christian East, Christian Journalism and Church Music.

What is the degree program about?

Protestant Theology is studied as a single-subject program, i.e. without a second subject, due to the thematic breadth and the various disciplines. A bachelor’s degree, unlike other degree programs, is not practical and is therefore not offered. The theology program offers the following degree options.

  • Ecclesiastical Examination
  • Magister/Magistra Theologiae (Mag.theol.)

With the professional goal of becoming a pastor, you usually have to take the first theological exam (the so-called ecclesiastical exam) of the respective state church (in Bavaria: „Theologische Aufnahmeprüfung“) to complete your studies in Protestant Theology and as a prerequisite for acceptance into the church preparatory service (Vikariat).

The degree with the academic degree Magister/Magistra Theologiae (Mag.theol.) is comparable to the ecclesiastical exam in its requirements. The degree program is intended for students who do not aspire to serve in a regional church with its own theological examination system (including members of free churches, students from abroad).

In theology, a whole range of subjects work together: First of all, these include Old Testament, New Testament, Church History, Systematic Theology, Practical Theology (including religious education/subject didactics) and Religious Studies. In addition, the Department of Theology in Erlangen is home to other interesting subjects that are not found at every university: Christian Archaeology, History and Theology of the Christian East, Media Communications, Media Ethics and Digital Theology, and Church Music. The interplay of the various disciplines makes the study of theology an immensely interesting course of study.

In principle, you study theology in its entire breadth for all degrees. However, you have the opportunity to set different emphases in your studies, e.g., by coop

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