
Nanotechnology (B.Sc.)

Materials science, sustainability, material cycles, nanotechnology

The Nanotechnology degree program offers an interdisciplinary education in the fundamentals and applications of this new science. The strong engineering component makes this degree program unique in Germany. The modular structure of the program includes fundamentals in nanotechnology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and materials science as well as internships in the first four semesters. In the module broadening horizons, students have the choice between an industrial internship or a semester abroad in the Erasmus program. Become part of an innovative future and take off with a Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology!

What is the degree program about?

The nanotechnology degree program offers students an interdisciplinary education in the fundamentals of this new science and focuses on its technological applications. Examples of this are manufacturing processes of nanomaterials, nanocomposites, nanoparticles or nanolayers and the determination of magnetic, electrical and optical properties – in theory and practice. In addition to learning analytical methods, for characterization and modeling of nanostructures, new manufacturing technologies (biomimetics, self-organization) are also part of the education. The strong engineering component makes this course of study unique in Germany.

FAU - Moving Knowledge

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