Media, Ethics, Religion

Media, Ethics, Religion (M.A.)

The Master’s degree program in Media, Ethics, and Religion offers a unique opportunity for students to research the interplay between media, ethics and religion. In an increasingly digitalized world, the media landscape has a decisive role to play in spreading ethical and religious values and standards. Media can have both positive and negative effects on our society. The degree program allows students to reflect on these complex connections and take a critical look at the role of the media in today’s world. The program not only transfers theoretical knowledge, but also teaches practical skills in the design, production and analysis of topics relating to religion and ethics in media.

What is the degree program about?

“Media producers build bridges in today’s world. They tell tales of love and death, hate and sorrow, dreams and boredom, justice and injustice in the global community. Journalists communicate different philosophies, attitudes and religions. They are modern prophets. They bring healing through understanding.” (Prof. Johanna Haberer)

In this degree program, students are taught a broad range of analytical and practical skills. The degree program is aimed at future journalists and other media professionals who want to report on religious and social topics or work in public relations at non-profit organizations. Students learn to take ethical responsibility, for example as journalists in mass media or at media regulation bodies. They can work in any area where religion and mass media meet, and may also pursue a career in teaching.

Do you need help or more information?

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