Materials science and materials engineering

Materials science and materials engineering (B.Sc.)

The bachelor’s degree program in materials science and materials engineering deals with the development, production and processing of materials. As materials engineers, graduates are able to examine materials with regard to their properties and develop them further depending on requirements. Whether it’s improving fuel cells, developing lightweight materials or optimizing recycling processes – the range of possible applications for materials engineers is wide. During their studies, students learn to understand physical and chemical relationships and can thus influence material properties in a targeted manner.

What is the degree program about?

Would you like to help shape the energy transition? Are you interested in how the mobility of the future will develop and be designed sustainably? Or what part materials play in the energy transition? Can you imagine that the development of new materials can also save human lives?

These are just a few of the questions that materials scientists deal with. The degree program in Materials Science and Engineering provides the necessary knowledge.

This subject deals with materials that are used to manufacture products with a wide variety of properties. These range from microchips and lifestyle products to artificial heart tissue and environmental protection. For these different fields of application, the materials have to meet very specific requirements. Sometimes the focus is on low weight combined with high stability, while for other applications the material must have very good chemical resistance or a special electrical property, for example.

Building on the basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry, the course teaches the interrelationships between raw material extraction, processing, structure and properties of the materials. Knowledge of the atomic structure of materials forms the basis for the finished component.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.