Mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering (B.Sc.)

The mechanical engineering degree program is a broad-based course of study that deals with the design, development, manufacture and operation of machines and plants. It involves the implementation of mechanical, thermal and electronic principles in practical applications. The mechanical engineering degree program provides solid know-how in the areas of mechanics, design, materials science, manufacturing technology and automation.
- Degree
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 250-600
- Subject group
- Engineering sciences
- Special ways to study
- 1-subject Bachelor
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions - pre-study placement
What is the degree program about?
Mechanical engineering deals with the most diverse areas: production lines in automotive engineering, engines for aircraft, road or rail vehicles, large ships, power plants or even tiny machines for medical technology – all examples of the development and manufacture of the most diverse products.
In the course of your studies, you will therefore become acquainted with diverse and varied topics, for example technical mechanics, design theory, production engineering, materials science, optics, optical technologies and metrology.
With the completion of the bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, you have acquired in-depth technical and methodological knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering. You have the prerequisites to solve technical problems independently and on your own responsibility and are ready to start your career.
The bachelor’s degree program is divided into a foundation and orientation phase of two semesters and a bachelor’s phase of four semesters.
Basics and orientation phase: 1st-2nd semester
In the first two semesters, students acquire skills in basic subjects, in particular mathematics, technical mechanics, design engineering and materials science. At the same time, students learn the basics of computer science and business accounting. By the end of the second semester, a basic and orientation examination (GOP) must be passed. The GOP comprises the following modules:
„Mathematics for MB 1“, „Statics, elastostatics and strength of materials“ and „Materials science with materials testing practical course“.
Bachelor phase 3rd-6th semester
In the bachelor’s phase, the fundamentals in engineering mechanics are deepened through „Dynamics of Rigid Bodies“ and „Finite Element Methods“. Likewise, the constructive education is continued by the lectures „Machine Elements 1+2“, the corresponding construction exercises and a „Constructive Project Work“ taking place in the 5th semester. The lectures „Production Engineering 1+2“, „Optics and Optical Technologies“ and „Fundamentals of Metrology“ expand the competence profile of the students here in the 3rd-5th semester. Also taught are fundamentals in electrical engineering and electrical machines and also technical thermodynamics. Two university internships serve to deepen and practically implement what has been learned.
In addition to the compulsory program detailed above, 4 elective modules of 5 ECTS each must be taken from a catalog of currently 32 elective options. Likewise, 5 ECTS each of technical and non-technical elective modules must be taken.
In the sixth semester, the bachelor thesis is to be written under the supervision of a lecturer of the selected elective modules.
Brief overview: study structure
1st -2nd semester: Mathematics for MB 1+2, engineering mechanics (statics, elastostatics and strength of materials), technical representation (hand drawing and 3D CAD systems), fundamentals of computer science, materials science with materials testing practical course and industrial accounting.
3rd-4th semester: Mathematics for MB 3, Engineering Mechanics (dynamics, finite element method), Machine Elements 1+2 with design exercises, Production Engineering, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines, Technical Thermodynamics, university internships and elective modules.
5th semester: optics and optical technologies, fundamentals of metrology, constructive project work (teamwork), further elective modules and elective modules.
Semester 6: Professional internship and bachelor thesis
- Interest in technology and solid basic knowledge of mathematics. Likewise, you should have no fear of contact with school physics, especially mechanics.
- Interest in how technical products work and how they can be manufactured.
In addition to the planning, development, design, production and assembly of technical products, the range of tasks of mechanical engineers also includes economic issues such as sales and management tasks. In the course of your studies, you will acquire in-depth knowledge in all these areas, which you can use in your future professional life.
Possible career fields include
- Research and development
- Design, calculation and testing
- Production planning and control
- Logistics and related topics up to plant management
Your fields of application are versatile and varied.
Before study
- Before you start your studies, you must complete at least a 6-week technical pre-study internship. The Mechanical Engineering Internship Office has a list of companies that have employed interns in the past to help you find an internship.
In your studies
- Although you take the subject „Statics, Elastostatics and Strength of Materials“ in the 1st and 2nd semester, you do not write the exam until after the 2nd semester, which is not to be underestimated.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions - pre-study placement
- Admission requirements (higher semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions - pre-study placement
- Application deadline winter semester
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.