Italian Studies
Italian Studies (Teaching degree)

Enrich your knowledge of Italian language, literature, and culture in specialized studies! We focus on the fascinating Italian language and culture. Choose Italian for high school teaching and benefit from subject didactics and educational sciences as a supplement.
- Degree
- Teaching degree
- Duration of studies in semester
- 9
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 1-50
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree, Language and Cultural Studies
- Teaching language
- in German and in the languages of the respective core subjects
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Italy, Teacher, School, School subjects, Language
What is the degree program about?
The study of the subject is primarily concerned with acquiring knowledge in the areas of linguistics, literature and cultural studies of Italian. Italian can only be selected for the teaching profession at grammar schools. In contrast to a bachelor’s degree, the areas of subject didactics and educational sciences are added.
Prior to the beginning of the teaching degree program, the entry level A2 in Italian provided by the subject examination regulations is proven by a placement test. More detailed information can be found on the pages of the Italian Department of the Language Center.
First year of study:
The following modules must be taken:
- Basic module Italian Linguistics (1st semester).
- Basic Module Italian Language Practice 1 (1st semester)
- Basic Module Italian Literature (2nd semester)
- Basic Module Italian Language Practice 2 (2nd semester)
- Basic Module Didactics of Romance Languages (Italian) (1st-3rd semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Linguistics 1 (2nd-3rd semester)
The following courses are to be attended in the first semester, depending on the results of the language placement test:
- Basic Seminar Italian Linguistics (offered only in WiSe).
- Language course Italian Intermediate I (Corso di italiano intermedio I) (offered only in WiSe)
- Oral Language Competence I (Comprensione e produzione orale I) (offered only in WiSe)
The following courses must be taken in the second semester:
- Basisseminar Italienische Literaturwissenschaft (offered only in SoSe)
- Corso di italiano intermedio II
- Phonetics and Phonology of Italian (offered only in the summer semester)
- Fonetica pratica (offered only in summer semester)
- Tecniche di lettura (offered only in summer semester)
- Introductory seminar in the didactics of Romance languages (2nd or 3rd semester)
Second year of study:The following modules must be completed:
- Advanced module Italian Linguistics 1 (2nd/3rd semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Linguistics 2 (3rd/4th semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Literature and Cultural Studies 1 (3rd semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Literature and Cultural Studies 2 (4th semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Language Practice 1 (3rd semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Language Practice 2 (4th semester)
- Basic Module Didactics of Romance Languages (Italian) (1st-3rd semester)
The following courses are to be attended in the third and fourth semester:
- Lecture on Italian Linguistics (3rd semester)
- Proseminar on Italian Linguistics (3rd semester)
- Advanced seminar on Italian Linguistics (4th semester; offered only in the summer semester)
- Advanced Seminar in Italian Literature (3rd semester; offered only in winter semester)
- Proseminar in Italian Literature (3rd and 4th semester)
- Grammatica e stilistica I (3rd semester; offered only in winter semester)
- Comprensione e produzione scritta (3rd semester; offered only in winter semester)
- Comprensione e produzione orale II (4th semester; offered only in summer)
- Cultura e civiltà I (4th semester; offered only in summer semester)
- Proseminar Didactics of Italian (3rd semester)
Third and fourth year of study:
The following modules must be completed:
- Advanced module Italian language practice 1 (5th semester) (only offered in winter semester)
- Advanced module Didactics of Romance Languages (Italian) (4th-8th semester)
- Advanced Module Italian Language Practice 2 (6th semester; only offered in summer semester)
- Final Module Italian Language Practice (7th-9th semester; offered only in the summer semester)
- Italian Cultural Studies (7th-9th semester; only offered in winter semester)
- Italian Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies for High School Teachers 1 (Linguistics Concentration) (7th-9th semesters)
- Italian Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies for High School Teacher Education 2 (Literary Studies Emphasis) (7th-9th semesters).
- If Italian is chosen as the subject for the written term paper:
Final Module Written Term Paper (6th-8th semester).
The topic for the written homework should be assigned by an authorized university lecturer at the latest one year before registration for the First State Examination, but at the earliest in the 5th semester.
In practice, it may be advisable to first attend one or both of the main seminars from the modules Italian Language, Literature and Cultural Studies for the Teaching Profession at Gymnasiums 1 and 2 in the 5th/6th semester, since participation in a main seminar and especially the writing of a main seminar paper is an important preliminary exercise for the more extensive written term paper in the final module. The advisor therefore recommends that students first attend the two main seminars in the third year of study and only later complete the final module, Schriftliche Hausarbeit.
Even if the final module „Schriftliche Hausarbeit“ is not taken until after the 6th semester, FAU will award the academic degree Bachelor of Arts upon application if the required module examinations are proven.
Basic knowledge of Italian corresponding to level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) is desirable. In case of lower previous knowledge, intensive courses can be taken at the Language Center of FAU (in the winter semester of the beginning of the study program as well as in the following lecture-free period).
Under certain conditions, students in all teacher training programs can apply for the academic degree „Bachelor“ after usually 6 semesters according to the LAPO. The type of Bachelor’s degree depends on the type of school studied and, if applicable, the choice of subject. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL).
Subject combination possibilities:
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
Basic knowledge of Italian corresponding to level A2 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) is desirable. In case of lower previous knowledge, intensive courses can be taken at the Language Center of FAU (in the winter semester of the beginning of the study program as well as in the following lecture-free period).
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.