Health and Medical Management

Health and Medical Management (MHMM)

The German healthcare system is the largest branch of our economy, almost every ninth person is employed here. The market volume is estimated at approx. 400 billion euros/year (trend is rising). And not only doctors work in this field: The interfaces between medicine and other specialist disciplines offer a wide range of fields of work. There is a high demand for qualified specialists. The Master’s degree in Health and Medical Management closes this qualification gap with a concept that is unique to date: purely medical content for competent cooperation and communication for academic employees in the healthcare sector. Competencies are developed and expanded in a targeted manner for interdisciplinary tasks in the health and medical sectors.

Please note: The Master’s degree course will be discontinued with effect from winter semester 2025/26. No students will be admitted to or enrolled on this course for the first or higher semesters from the start of the winter semester 2025/26 at the latest.

What is the degree program about?

The distance learning degree program for working professionals „Master in Health and Medical Management“ (MHMM) provides university graduates who do not have a background in medicine with fundamental knowledge of the field. The content is taught clearly and in a way that promotes dialog and collaboration between medical specialists and other professional groups in healthcare. MHMM includes content from the medicine degree program. Its content was chosen after detailed consultation with a focus group of potential participants to ensure that the program provides professionals in the healthcare industry without previous training in medicine with the knowledge that they need. The aim is not for graduates to be able to take on medical tasks themselves, but to be able to understand them. Students gain an understanding of principles and related contexts, and learn how to evaluate different alternatives with respect to their advantages and disadvantages. This enables them to discuss topics with medical specialists on equal footing. The degree program does not train ‘second class doctors’ but people who are able to communicate more effectively with doctors in order to increase the overall efficiency of the healthcare system.

Another aspect also plays a role (which cannot be quantified at present): the shortage of physicians in the healthcare system is becoming increasingly apparent, and medical faculties in particular complain that a not inconsiderable proportion of their graduates do not end up in patient care after graduation, but find employment elsewhere in the healthcare system. The medical know-how is in great demand there, but not the practical application of the knowledge on patients. The MHMM degree program may be able to help reduce the reorientation of human medicine graduates to positions outside of direct patient care.

A major barrier to communication and understanding between medical professionals and non-medical professionals is the jargon commonly used in the field: Medicine historically uses a language full of technical terms mostly of Latin or Greek origin. The use of these terms without the context of a detailed explanation or at least a German, general-language translation would make it massively more difficult for non-medical professionals to enter the knowledge domain of medicine, which is new to them. The top priority in the design of the present teaching texts must therefore be linguistic comprehensibility. This is achieved by the predominant use of German terms. In addition, a large number of definitions of terms will be required, which will probably not be able to be fully included in the planned scope of the thematically delimited texts.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.