Gerontology (M.Sc.)

Demographic change in our society means that more and more people are living to an advanced age. Gerontology deals with this phenomenon and researches the effects of aging on people and society. The Gerontology master’s degree program therefore offers a wide range of topics, from the biology of aging to social and societal aspects.
- Degree
- Master of Science
- Duration of studies in semester
- 4
- Start of degree program
- Summer semester, Winter semester
- Study location
- Nuremberg
- Number of students
- 50-150
- Subject group
- Medicine, Health sciences, Economic Sciences, Law
- Special ways to study
- Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- Qualification assessment
- Keywords
- Society, Health, Psychology, Sociology
What is the degree program about?
The Master’s degree program in Gerontology (M.Sc.) is aimed at interested persons with a university or college degree related to gerontology who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of issues related to aging research. Prospective students should attach importance to scientific interdisciplinary work and to a practical qualification oriented towards the needs of older people.
The Master’s program in Gerontology (M.Sc.) imparts competencies and subject-specific key qualifications for leading activities in areas of gerontological practice such as administration, counseling and diagnostics, evaluation and quality assurance, intervention and therapy, as well as teaching and research. The program covers the current state of knowledge and clinical practice in gerontology and its related disciplines such as geriatrics, nutrition science, psychology, social sciences, and exercise science. The Master’s program in Gerontology (M.Sc.) qualifies graduates to develop, implement and apply new concepts for their own professional practice in an enormously growing and forward-looking professional field. A subsequent doctorate is possible within the framework of the doctoral program in Gerontology at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
The following list represents the sample study plan for full-time students. Part-time students have 6 semesters to successfully complete the modules listed below.
Semester 1
- Modul 1 introduction to gerontology
- Modul 5 geriatric medicine
- Modul 6 psychogeriatrics
- Modul 7 gerontological diagnostics
- Modul 12 cognitive and emotional aging
- Modul 17 compulsory optional subjects
Semester 2
- Modul 2 foundations,theories and ethics of gerontology
- Modul 4 models and methods of data analysis
- Modul 9 aging, law and society
- Modul 11 basics on psychology of aging
- Modul 13 advanced studies in psychogerontology
- Modul 14 basics on psychogerontological interventions
Semester 3
- Modul 3 research methods
- Modul 8 fieldwork in gerontology
- Modul 10 social policy and public health
- Modul 15 methods of intervention in psychogerontology
- Modul 16 gerontological internship
Semester 4
- Modul 18 master thesis
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- Qualification assessment
- Application deadline winter semester
- Application deadline summer semester
- Content-related admission requirements
- Completed Bachelor’s, Master’s or Diploma studies (or comparable degree) at a German or foreign university or college.
- Persons with a mother tongue other than German must provide evidence of certified German language skills (DSH2).
- Gerontological reference or contact with older people through, for example, studies, profession or voluntary work as well as knowledge of social science research methods are desirable.
- Good knowledge of English recommended
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- Details and notes
Only part-time study is possible when starting in the summer semester.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.