
German (Teaching degree)

Teaching German at elementary school, middle school and secondary schools (Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium)

If you like working with people and are particularly interested in language and literature, then a teaching degree in German might be just right for you. During the degree program, you not only acquire an extensive knowledge of German language and literature, you also gain skills in education, and training in teaching concepts and methods aimed at supporting pupils in learning the language and in obtaining reading and writing skills.

What is the degree program about?

In modern German literature you will study German-language works from the time of Martin Luther up to the present day, investigating poetry and prose, as well as non-fiction texts such as travel writing, reports and diaries. You will use historical and systematic perspectives to gain an understanding of texts, whereby cultural contexts are equally as important as issues of classification, aspects of media distribution and the relationships between German literature and the literature of other countries.

In the history of medieval German literature (medieval studies) you will learn how to approach texts from the Middle Ages (around 800 to 1500 CE). Unlike what you may be familiar with from popular contexts such as fantasy literature or medieval festivals, during the degree program the focus is on taking a reflective academic and historical approach to the literature of this period which may appear rather foreign to us at first glance (but only at the first glance). Epic poems such as the Nibelungenlied are discussed in relation to topics such as the historical development of gender roles, the form in which narrative text is presented, or the practice of passing on information. You will gain knowledge of Middle High German in the degree program.

Linguistics is concerned with the structure and use of language. In this context, language is treated as something material, fixed in speech or writing, that can be analysed with regard to its components, units and functions. Language is also a means of communication used by human beings and in this respect linguistics looks at topics such as the differences between oral and written communication, language varieties, dialects, and colloquial language, as well as language change throughout history.

German language education is the science of teaching and learning in relation to the German language, literature and the media on which they are based. German language education covers three core subjects: teaching language, teaching literature and teaching media. All three areas cover subject knowledge and education science. This basic understanding of German language education is pursued with great dedication and its own profile in both teaching and research at the Chair of Teaching German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology at FAU.
All degree programs supervised by the Chair of Teaching German Language and Literature focus on how subject knowledge and the theory of teaching the subject relates to teaching the subject in practice. Students can acquire sound knowledge both in the form of broad based fundamental knowledge and in the context of special areas of interest.

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