Geography (Teaching degree)

The study of geography for a teaching degree, and thus also school geography, deals with diverse social developments and natural processes. Although the study contents are determined by the Ministry of Education, students can choose between seminars of regional geography, terrain seminars and much more in the so-called „free area“. Geography didactics teaches knowledge transfer appropriate for students. Through various student internships and cooperations, students have a great practical relevance.
- Degree
- Teaching degree
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen, Nuremberg
- Number of students
- 250-600
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree, Mathematics, Natural sciences
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions - Registration
What is the degree program about?
The goal of the teaching degree program is clear: you want to teach geography at a school after graduation. Therefore, in addition to the subject science, these courses include subject didactics and educational sciences. Geography can be chosen as a subject for teaching at Gymnasiums (LAGY), Realschulen (LARS), Mittelschulen (LAMS) and Grundschulen (LAGS).
In the study of the specialist science, the aim is to acquire knowledge in the various sub-fields of geography. The course of study is therefore largely the same as that of the bachelor’s programs in physical geography and cultural geography.
Various examination regulations form the basis of the teaching degree program (and the study planning): In addition to the Teacher Examination Regulations (LPO I) and the Study and Examination Regulations for the First Teacher Examination at FAU (LAPO), these are the „Subject Study and Examination Regulations for the Subject of Geography in the Teacher Training Program at FAU“. In the teaching degree program, too, the Fundamentals and Orientation Examination must be proven after the first year of study, at the latest after the third semester. A total of 40 ECTS credits must be proven.
More specific information regarding the different types of schools Gymnasium, Realschule und Grund- und Mittelschule can be found on the homepage of the institute.
In the first semester of the teaching degree program in geography, students must complete various modules in the fields of cultural geography and physical geography as well as in the field of didactics.
- 1st – 2nd semester: Basic and orientation phase: In the first year of study, the theoretical foundations of cultural geography and physical geography are taught in the form of lectures and two seminars with a field day.
- 3rd – 4th semester: Methods: In the second study phase, which is completed from the third to the fourth semester, the specialized knowledge is expanded and, in particular, methodological skills are acquired. In lectures you will be introduced to cartography, qualitative and quantitative methods as well as GIS and remote sensing. The 4th semester is completed with a six-day field internship. A small terrain seminar introduces you to the geography of nearby regions for a few days.
- 5th – 6th semester: Consolidation: In the third study phase, further specialization in regional and thematic aspects takes place, as well as the acquisition of skills to apply methodological knowledge in a problem-solving oriented manner.
- From the 3rd semester: Didactics of Geography: From the second study phase on, the didactics of geography will provide you, as a future teacher, with the knowledge and methods to integrate the contents of geography into your lessons in a way that is appropriate for your students.
Basic Knowledge is imparted, especially in the following areas:
- In-depth geoecological knowledge
- Specialized knowledge in selected topics and regions
- Analytical and integrative thinking
- Computer-aided analytical tools
- Regional competence
- Human-environment relations
- Sustainable use of space from an ecological point of view
- Opportunities and risks of globalization
Under certain conditions, students in all teaching degree programs can apply for the academic degree „Bachelor“ after usually 6 semesters according to the LAPO. The type of Bachelor’s degree depends on the type of school studied and, if applicable, the choice of subject. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Center for Teacher Education (ZfL).
Subject combination possibilities:
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions - Registration
- Admission requirements (higher semester)
- Admission not currently possible
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- No DSH
- General language skills
No language skills or certificates need to be proven, but a good command of the standard German language, both written and spoken, is required.
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
As a school requirement, you need the Abitur or a BOS/FOS13 degree to study at FAU. However, you can also start studying with us with an intermediate diploma or 90 ECTS credits from a university of applied sciences. Since a change in the Bavarian Higher Education Act in the summer of 2009, however, vocationally qualified students without an Abitur may also study at FAU.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Our bachelor’s and teaching degree programs are currently free of admission. Please note the current application deadlines.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.