
Economics (M.Sc.)

The Master of Science in Economics (MSE) is a modern, internationally oriented Master’s degree program that provides students with a profound knowledge in economics. It is aimed at students with a strong interest in applied economics seeking a first-rate education preparing them for a variety of career paths, ranging from management positions in firms and other organizations to academia.

What is the degree program about?

The Master of Science in Economics (MSE) is a modern, internationally oriented Master’s degree program that provides students with a profound knowledge in economics. It is aimed at students with a strong interest in applied economics seeking a first-rate education preparing them for a broad variety of career paths. A special focus of the program lies on modern methods of data analysis.

The language of instruction of all core subjects and a large variety of electives is English. As a result, the MSE can be studied fully in English, and the student body is very international. German skills are welcome, but not required for completion.

A core feature of the program is that small classes and seminars enable a face-to-face exchange with professors and researchers. Upon arrival, students get quickly integrated into the academic community at the department through close interaction with professors and their research teams. A mentoring program connects students with junior scientists, and students can apply for paid jobs as research assistants.

Further information can also be found on the landing page of the degree program.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.