Teaching German as a second language
Teaching German as a second language (Teaching degree)

Social change, political decisions and migration all lead to linguistic and cultural heterogeneity in the classroom. The Chair of Teaching German as a Second Language (DiDaZ) at FAU is dedicated to language acquisition, language teaching and language awareness in subject teaching. As a trainee teacher, Teaching German as a Second Language (DaZ) will enable you to recognize the potential of your students and use this potential to design lessons in a targeted manner and provide the appropriate language support to your students.
- Degree
- Teaching degree
- Start of degree program
- Summer semester, Winter semester
- Study location
- Nuremberg
- Number of students
- 1-50
- Subject group
- Teaching Degree
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Second Language Aquisition, Teaching, Teaching Degree, Teacher, School, School subjects
What is the degree program about?
The composition of each class in schools today is extremely varied, irrespective of the type of school. One the one hand, this is due to changes in society. Migration during the last few decades has led to many recent migrants and school students born in Germany not being able to speak German as their first language. These students also bring varying cultural backgrounds and experiences with them due to their individual living conditions. On the other, children and young people who’s first language is German have varying levels of access to educational and subject-related language, that is, the linguistic register in which subject-related learning takes place in school.
Together, these varied aspects make up the key research priorities of language acquisition, language teaching and language awareness in subject teaching at the Chair of Teaching German as a Second Language (DiDaZ). At FAU, these aspects are incorporated into teacher training in German as a Second Language.
As a trainee teacher, Teaching German as a Second Language (DaZ) will enable you to provide the appropriate language support to your students and incorporate language awareness into your lessons while ensuring all your students receive comprehensive language training.
Teaching German as a Second Language is part of the Department of Didactics in Nuremberg (Regensburger Str. 160). The following options are available to students wishing to take this subject:
Teaching subject (Didaktikfach):
Can be chosen as a secondary subject by students of teaching degrees for Grundschule or Mittelschule. At FAU it is currently not possible to choose Teaching German as a Second Language as a main subject. 11 ECTS credits are awarded for Teaching German as a Second Language to students of teaching degrees in primary education (Grundschulen) and 20 ECTS credits to those studying teaching degree in secondary education (Mittelschulen). Students of teaching degrees in primary education (Grundschule) complete the DaZ course by taking the State Examination. This is not a requirement for students of teaching degrees in primary education (Grundschule).
Additional subject:
Students and graduates of teaching degree programs for all school types can study Teaching German as a Second Language as a supplementary program which is completed with a State Examination. It is possible to start the supplementary program in any semester, although you must start at least three semesters before the end of your degree program. Students of teaching degree programs in primary education (Grundschule) and secondary education (Mittelschule) study Teaching German as a Second Language (DaZ) as an additional undergraduate subject (45 ECTS credits). The subsequent extension (10 ECTS credits) can be studied by students of teaching degrees in secondary education (Realschule and Gymnasium) as well as teachers of all school types with the second State Examination. However, for this target group, we advise completing the undergraduate degree, since all courses prepare students for the State Examination and subsequent professional experience.
Business German
Can be chosen as a secondary subject by students of teaching degrees for vocational schools. It comprises 25 ECTS credits for the Bachelor’s degree program and 45 ECTS in the Master’s degree program. In addition to the content of the DaZ subject and the acquisition of a language relevant to migration, students of the Master’s degree program also take two literature modules and a module on teaching German. It is also possible to obtain a certificate for teaching courses offered by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and courses taught abroad. -
Students need to be interested in and enjoy other cultures, language diversity, language acquisition and language teaching as well as in interdisciplinary cooperation and thinking.
- Requirement from 2019 from the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK): Language teaching in all subjects across all stages of education
- Innovative theory and practice seminars
- Opportunities to work across various schools and in many subjects
- Oppurtunities to collaborate in teaching projects in cooperation with educational institutions
- Preparation geared specifically toward diversity in language and culture in schools
- Holistic approach to access to teaching with language awareness in all subjects
- Oriented towards current developments in society
Teaching German as a Second Language opens up many opportunities for both trainee teachers and teachers who already have experience. In addition to teaching in primary education and secondary education (Mittelschule, Realschule, Gymnasium), in special education and vocational schools, a degree in Teaching German as a Second Language qualifies graduates to teach in adult education (e.g. as a teacher for integration courses or intercultural training) or in research in the field of migration-related heterogeneity, language acquisition and language teaching.
Further information about the DaZ-studies can be found on the website of the Chair of Didactics of German as a Second Language, where also the dates of information events of the chair for first-year students are published regularly at the beginning of the semester. For student advice on German as a Second Language, you can contact Marisa Somper (Teaching Subject Elementary and Middle School) and Kirstin Ulrich (Extension Subject and Professional Language German).
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
- Application deadline summer semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- Details and notes
The application deadline for international applicants is July 15th for the winter semester and January 15th for the summer semester.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.