Data Science
Data Science (B.Sc.)

The bachelor’s degree program Data Science is an interdisciplinary study program that deals with the modeling, processing and analysis of data. Modern methods from mathematics, computer science, and statistics are used to extract relevant information from large amounts of data.
- Degree
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 50-150
- Subject group
- Mathematics, Natural sciences
- Special ways to study
- 1-subject Bachelor
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Analysis, Computer, Digital Education, Digitalization, Computer Science, Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Technology
What is the degree program about?
We live in the age of digitization with all its benefits but also its own problems. We defend our opinions on social media with heart and soul, rate the vacation photos of our fellow human beings, and consume digital content via the streaming service we trust. In the process, we leave a distinct digital footprint in the form of data. It is estimated that the entire human race currently generates a data volume of several zettabytes (that’s a one with 21 zeros!) per year. Not every bit and every click is relevant, but technological miracles can be performed based on the amount of our personal data collected, but they also raise questions:
- How does Google know what I’m about to search for?
- Why do I always end up with more items in my Amazon shopping cart than I originally wanted to buy?
- How can Spotify gauge my musical tastes so well?
- Why does fake news often spread faster than the truth?
- How can Deep Learning teach a computer to beat the world champion in Go?
- A few years ago, „Big Data“ was on everyone’s lips. The value of data was weighed up against that of gold, and the initial hype triggered a veritable gold-digging frenzy in the technology industry.
Nowadays, it is no longer about collecting as much data as possible, but rather about analyzing this data in a clever way and drawing the right conclusions from it. Big Data“ quickly became the term „Smart Data“. And this is precisely where the newly founded „Data Science“ degree program at FAU comes in:
It represents a key discipline for the digital age at the interface between mathematics and computer science and other disciplines such as natural sciences, engineering, economics, and information sciences. The goal of this bachelor’s degree program is to provide a solid foundational and advanced education in both mathematics and computer science with a strong focus on the requirements of future Data Scientists. In addition, an application subject is taken in which one can put one’s acquired knowledge to the test, such as physics, business informatics, biology or medical technology.
During your studies you will learn:
- how to categorize and abstract structured and unstructured data sources.
- which mathematical methods can be used to model and analyze data.
- how predictions for the future can be calculated from data.
- what the consequences are for decision making.
- how to store and manage large amounts of data efficiently.
- how data can be used for artificial intelligence training.
The standard period of study for the bachelor’s degree program is six semesters, with one semester in the second or third year of study specifically set aside for the possibility of a semester abroad, such as an ERASMUS semester at another European university.
The bachelor’s degree program „Data Science“ can be divided into the following consecutive levels:
- 1st-2nd semester: Fundamentals
In the first year you will learn the basics of analysis, linear algebra, algorithms and data structures, modeling, and programming. - 3rd-4th semester: Advanced
In the second year you build on the basics you have learned and get to know many important mathematical tools from the areas of numerics, optimization, and stochastics. At the same time you deal with logic, information visualization, and knowledge extraction from databases. - 5th-6th semester: Consolidation and application
In the third year of study, you will listen to freely selectable in-depth lectures within mathematics and computer science, which specifically fit the course of study „Data Science“. Possible areas of specialization are Statistical Data Analysis, Data-Oriented Optimization, Mathematical Theory of Data Science, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence, as well as Simulation and Numerics. Here you can adapt your focus to your own interests, i.e. focus more on theory or practice. At the same time, you will apply the knowledge you have acquired in the first two years in lectures of your application subject. - 6th semester: Bachelor thesis
In the sixth semester you will write your bachelor thesis in your chosen field of specialization.
In parallel to the above-mentioned study phases, you will continuously attend lectures from the core area of „Data Science“, such as mathematical data analysis and modeling, machine learning, or advanced design and programming.
- 1st-2nd semester: Fundamentals
During the bachelor’s degree program, you will learn about important areas of mathematics and computer science, as well as core topics in the field of data science. You will train your analytical thinking skills and learn to abstract and structure complex relationships. For your later career, you will acquire the ability to cope with constantly changing problems.
The training in Data Science takes place in equal parts in the areas of mathematics and computer science, whereby you can determine your own focus during the course of your studies. In addition, you choose an application subject in which you can deepen your acquired knowledge in a practical way.
If you still have doubts about choosing the „Data Science“ degree program, read through the following statements and consider whether they apply to you.
- As a digital native, the topic of „digitalization“ is close to your heart and you are interested in current, data-driven technology.
- You have a broad range of interests and feel motivated by many different challenges.
- Mathematics does not scare you, but gives you pleasure. You like to work precisely, formalize ideas, and produce resilient results.
- The ability to understand complex relationships and to abstract to the essentials is one of your core competencies, along with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
- You have a strong interest in understanding how human behavior can be captured and even predicted in mathematical models.
- You always wanted to learn programming.
- You are interested in how the underlying mathematical and computer science processes work.
If these points fit you, you will definitely make the right choice with the degree program „Data Science“.
FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg offers unique conditions for the degree program „Data Science“. Due to the strong content-related networking of the departments of mathematics and computer science and the spatial distance of just two minutes on foot, there is a wide range of informatics and mathematics topics available, both of which are taught centrally in the degree program. Due to the great variety of subjects at FAU, you can choose your application subject from many different subject areas. This helps you to find your own individual specialization in your studies, which you are particularly interested in and enjoy.
In addition, the industrial environment of the Nuremberg metropolitan region creates ideal conditions for sustainable and application-oriented studies. And perhaps you will already get to know your future employer during your studies, such as Siemens, Schaeffler or adidas.
Alternatively, you can directly continue in the master’s degree program in Data Science or other master’s degree programs related to mathematics and computer science at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg. -
With a bachelor’s degree as a data scientist, many exciting fields of work open up to you in which you can profitably apply your knowledge. You work directly at the interface between man and machine. Here are some examples of industries with potential employers:
- Technology industry (e.g. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, IBM, SAP, Siemens, etc.)
- Consulting industry (e.g. McKinsey, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, etc.)
- Biomedical research companies (e.g. AstraZeneca, Roche, Novartis, Bayer, etc.)
- Logistics industry (Deutsche Post, UPS, DB Mobility Logistics, etc.)
- Energy industry (E.ON, RWE, EDF, etc.)
- Finance and insurance industry (Deutsche Bank, Allianz, Munich Re, etc.)
Due to the high demand for graduates in the field of „Data Science“ – there is an estimated shortage of over 100,000 experts for Data Science in Germany alone – career starters can expect a relatively high starting salary.
Of course, a bachelor’s degree doesn’t have to be the end of learning. You can earn a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree in „Data Science“ at various European universities or simply take the appropriate Master’s program at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Afterwards, you can further deepen your understanding of data modeling and analysis in the context of a doctorate and thus even advance the current state of research, which will decisively shape the handling of the resource „data“ for the coming decades.
- Before the start of the first semester, there is a voluntary preliminary course to help you get started in your studies.
- After the second semester, you will take a foundation exam that documents your understanding of calculus, linear algebra, or the minor. This is reliable feedback on whether mathematics is the right choice for you.
Orientation Week
During the week of October 9-13, 2023, the Departments of Mathematics, Data Science, and Physics, in conjunction with FSI, will offer an orientation week for all first-year students in the following programs:
– Bachelor Mathematics
– Bachelor of Economics and Mathematics
– Bachelor Industrial Mathematics
– Teaching degree (grammar school) Mathematics
– Bachelor Data Science
– Bachelor Physics
– Teaching degree (grammar school) Physics
The course is optional, but participation is strongly recommended.
More detailed information can be found at the following website:
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- General language skills
For enrollment in the B.Sc. Data Science program, very good German language skills are generally required. More detailed information on the accepted language certificates for international students can be found at
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
Applications have to be submitted via the campus management portal
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.