
Chemistry (Teaching degree)

Teaching chemistry at elementary school, middle school and secondary schools (Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium)

Chemistry teachers are more in demand than ever before! If you are interested in science and would like to pass on your knowledge to others, then a teaching degree in teaching chemistry at secondary school (Gymnasium) might be just right for you. As well as exciting course content, you can expect varied laboratory courses and placements in schools and industry. As a chemistry teacher, you can work both in a laboratory and with children and young people. Don’t miss the opportunity to join the growing community of committed chemistry teachers.

What is the degree program about?

The subject content of the degree program is largely determined by the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and includes an introduction to inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, as well as physics as a minor subject. Like in the Bachelor’s degree program, the theory learned in lectures and seminars is put into practice in a number of laboratory courses. In the teaching degree program, tutorials on giving presentations and carrying out experiments are also part of the timetable. In these tutorials you learn how to include chemical experiments in chemistry classes in a useful and professional way. If you are studying to become a teacher at secondary school (Gymnasium) you can take specialist lectures from all three sub-disciplines of chemistry and complete a placement that will allow you to look beyond the horizon of teaching at schools and learn more about chemistry research.

Specialist knowledge is very important for chemistry teachers. The challenge at school is to share this knowledge in a way that is appropriate for school pupils. In light of this, you will learn about teaching chemistry from both the teacher’s and the pupil’s perspective. You will learn how to teach pupils to think and work in a way that is appropriate for the natural sciences, which teaching methods work well for chemistry, what the rules and conditions for teaching chemistry are, what makes a successful chemistry lesson and, above all, how to design experiments for pupils which will enrich your teaching. During your studies, you will also have the opportunity to practice guiding pupils in their experiments.

Detailed information on studying for a teaching degree and on the individual types of schools is available on the information page for teaching degrees (from the ZfL) and the teaching degree website of the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.