
Chemistry (Teaching degree)

Elementary school, middle school, secondary school, grammar school

The teaching d program is a state examination program and is offered in German only. You can find detailed information about the teacher training program and the individual school types on our information page about the teacher training program (in German only).

What is the degree program about?

The subject-related content of the teaching degree program in teaching chemistry is largely prescribed by the Bavarian Ministry of Education and includes a sound basic education in inorganic, organic and physical chemistry as well as in the minor subject of physics. As in the bachelor’s program, the theory from lectures and seminars is deepened in numerous laboratory courses. In addition, the teacher teaching degree program includes exercises in lecturing and experimentation, where you learn how to integrate chemical experiments into chemistry lessons in a meaningful and technically correct way. In the grammar school teaching degree program, in-depth lectures from all three subject areas of chemistry as well as a lab course in one of our research groups of the Department of Chemistry enable you to look beyond the horizon of teaching at school and get to know chemical research.

As a chemistry teacher, subject knowledge is very important. The problem in school is to convey the specialized knowledge in a way that is appropriate for students. In chemistry didactics you learn how chemistry teaching works from your point of view and how chemistry learning works from the students‘ point of view. You will learn how to introduce students to scientific ways of thinking and working, which teaching methods work in chemistry, which guidelines and framework conditions must be observed in chemistry lessons, what successful chemistry lessons should look like and, above all, how student and teacher experiments should be designed so that they contribute to the success of chemistry lessons. You will also practice guiding students in their experiments.

You can find detailed information about the teaching degree program and the individual school types on our information page about the teaching degree program (in German only).

Chemie und Molecular Science

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