Chemical Engineering - Sustainable Chemical Technologies

Chemical Engineering - Sustainable Chemical Technologies (B.Sc.)

Are you interested in chemistry, technology and sustainability? Study Chemical Engineering – Sustainable Chemical Technologies at the FAU! Our course is international, research and practice-oriented and accredited!

What is the degree program about?

The degree program Chemical Engineering – Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CEN) focusses on the use of material resources and their conversion while considering sustainability and thereby evaluating possible effects for future generations. Chemical engineers use scientific and mathematical knowledge to arrive at economically efficient, safe and environmentally friendly processes. In particular, the incorporation of the concept of sustainability into the students‘ education is intended to enable the development of efficient solutions to problems along the entire life cycle of a product, e.g. through new processes in chemical production, through energy and raw material savings or through research and development work.

Tasks of chemical engineers include the following:

  • Development of new catalytic processes in the chemical industry
  • Energy and raw material savings in chemical processes
  • Process design in laboratory, pilot plant and industrial scale
  • Plant and apparatus engineering, planning, construction
  • Soil, water and air pollution control

Chemical Engineering

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