Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP)

Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) (M.Sc.)

This international and interdisciplinary program taught in English provides both theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of materials science and chemical and bioengineering to produce better materials more efficiently and sustainably.

What is the degree program about?

Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) is a combination of Materials Science and Engineering with Chemical and Biological Engineering. These disciplines play a key role in the development of novel technologies – without the development of new materials, a great range of key inventions from digital computers or jet engines to customized medical implants would not have been possible. Novel materials with new functionalities or improved properties, however, require specifically designed, economically and environmentally sustainable production processes – which might themselves depend on the development of new catalyst materials.

This intimate connection between processes and materials is of key importance for advances and innovations in virtually any field of technology. Chemical and Biological Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering are thus highly intertwined fields, which are, however, treated as separate subjects in traditional education.

MAP is an interdisciplinary Master’s degree program taught in English that provides a unique curriculum for the next generation of engineers. Students follow an individually tailored curriculum to learn the fundamentals of Chemical and Biological Engineering and/or Materials Science in small groups, and four focal subjects allow the students to further deepen their knowledge in key technological areas:


Do you need help or more information?

Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.